Frequency ranges (-3 dB): 0.2 to 1 MHz / 0.5 to 4 MHz / 0.8 to 8 MHz / 2 to 20 MHz.Pulse repetition frequency: 4 to 1,000 Hz, variable in 10 steps.Damping: 50 ohms, 500 ohms (1,000 ohms in TR mode).Auto calibration: Measurement and setting of sound velocity and probe delay using two known calibration echoes (2-point calibration).Sound velocity: 1,000 to 15,000 m/s, 40 to 600 inch/ms variable in steps of 1 m/s, 0.1 inch/ms and fixed programmed values.Max: 0 to 9,999 mm +10 % (steel), 0 to 390” +10 % (steel) within the frequency range from 0.2 to 1 MHz / 0.5 to 4 MHz 0 to 1,420 mm +10% (steel),0 to 56” +10 % (steel) within the frequency range from 0.8 to 8 MHz / 2 to 20 MHz.